Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Article claiming a prominent Canadian doctor declared Covid a hoax is misleading

Claim: A man named Dr. Rodger Hodkinson, claiming to be chairman of the Royal College of Physicians in Canada and a biotech executive, said Covid-19 is a hoax, is just a flu, and that masks are useless, among other things.

Rating: ***Misleading***

Screenshot of meme overlaid with "fact checked: misleading"

This claim has been investigated by a number of fact checking organizations including the Associated Press and Snopes, all of which have both debunked the claims made by Hodkinson and also his supposed credentials. 

All legitimate medical organizations and professionals agree that Covid-19 is real, is much more serious than standard strains of flu, has killed well over 1M people worldwide, and can be significantly controlled by universal mask wearing and social distancing.

Hodkinson, meanwhile, has never been a Chairman of the Royal College of Physicians (according to that organization) and there is no evidence that his biotechnology company is legitimate beyond simply having a business license in North Carolina. 


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